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When does Binance US issue a 1099-MISC form?

Binance US issues a 1099-MISC form to any user with more than $600 in crypto income (like through staking or airdrops). You’ll normally receive your 1099-MISC form by February of the following tax year at the latest. Remember, whenever you get a 1099 form - the IRS gets an identical copy.

What is a Form 1099?

Form 1099 is a type of tax form that records payments received that don't come from salary or wages. Income you receive from any sources other than an employer must be reported to the IRS after the end of the tax year, just like the income from your job.

What is the difference between 1099 K and 1099 B?

Form 1099-K is distinct from Form 1099-B (which reports gross revenues or gains/losses from broker transactions). Binance. Because cryptocurrency transactions are treated as sales of personal property under current IRS guidance, the US believes that it is not required to issue Forms 1099-B.

Do I have to file a 1099 with the IRS?

Taxpayers generally don’t have to file their 1099s with the IRS, because it already has the forms, but they do have to report the income on their tax returns. Form 1099 is a type of tax form that records payments received that don't come from salary or wages.

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