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What is a 1965 half dollar?

The 1965 Half Dollar is a Kennedy Half Dollar. Unlike the original 1964 Half Dollar, it only had 40% Silver. This was to combat the coin shortage of the 1960s, which pulled millions of coins out of circulation due to the high price of silver. Other 1965 denominations were clad, but JFK stayed silver for commemorative reasons.

How much is a 1965 Kennedy half dollar worth?

Uncirculated 1965 Kennedy half dollars are worth about $4 each while SMS 1965 half dollars are worth around $5. 1965 Kennedy Half Dollar: Minting information, specifications, characteristics, current melt value, and past sales prices. Issued by the U.S. Mint in 1965.

How much is a 1965 MS 67 half dollar worth?

The rare 1965 MS 67 half-dollars are estimated to be $3,250, but it was a limiting factor for one collector who bought one such piece in 2008 for $12,650. Also read: 11 Most Valuable Half Dollars In Circulation If you are still unsure about the price of your coins, you can appraise and sell your coins for free through our verified platform.

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