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How much does it cost to mint NFTS?

The fees of gas fluctuate considerably according to the level of demand for creating transactions on blockchain. Most recently, the cost of gas for NFT minting is around $70. Therefore, you need some ETH to make your payments for gas before minting NFTs. Anyone could buy ETH or Ether from a local cryptocurrency exchange .

How to set up metamask for optimized NFT minting cost?

Here are the important steps you need to follow in setting up Metamask for optimized NFT minting cost. Access the website and install the chrome extension. Click on the “Create a Wallet” button on the right-hand side of the page. Follow the instructions that come in the next set of prompts and then create a password.

What are the hidden costs of minting Ethereum?

Hidden costs of minting include the initial and secondary sale fees and gas fees discussed above. The initial sale fee can range between 3 and 15 percent. Secondary sales can go up to 10 percent. Whereas gas fees for using the Ethereum blockchain change often, the amount of gas needed for a successful transaction is constant.

How is mine cost estimation done?

Mine cost estimation may be done at many levels. At first it may be a simple “back of the envelope” estimation using similar operations to benchmark against. Later it may be decided to use an existing mine that the company owns and factor and compare costs against them.

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