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What is the woman yelling at Cat meme?

A: The Woman Yelling At Cat meme is a combination of two images. One has two women from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills pointing and yelling at a cat sitting at the table behind a plate of salad. It is used primarily to show two different opinions.

When did cat at dinner table go viral?

(The original "Cat At Dinner Table" image and an alternate angle of Smudge at the table.) Q: Then in June 2018, that image was shared to Tumblr for the first time where it began picking up traction over the course of the next year before going viral in 2019.

How did 'woman yelling at a cat' impact pop culture?

Writers cited "woman yelling at a cat" as an example of the pop culture impact of The Real Housewives franchise, and how previously-released media gain a second life on the internet. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "How an unlikely marriage of memes gave us 'woman yelling at cat' ".

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