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Is there a Canadian 2 dollar bill?

The Canadian 2 dollar bill has long been phased out and replaced with the toonie in 1996. In Sept. 2012, however, a 1986 $2 Canadian banknote was sold for $10,000 in an auction. It was described by the auction house as an “excessively rare note” and that “no other note of this quality has been sold for this prefix and signature combination.”

How much did Canada spend on a 2 dollar coin?

That made a total spend of 5,400 Canadian dollars – that’s about 4,100 US dollars. This 2 dollar coin was minted to commemorate the formation of Canada’s third territory, Nunavut. It bears the image of an Aboriginal man taking part in the traditional drum dance. It’s made of gold, yellow in the centre, and white around the outside.

What are the most valuable 2 dollar Canadian coins?

This one came up for sale in 2018, om the online auction platform eBay. The winning bidder secured it for $295. That brings us to the end of our look at some of the most valuable 2 dollar Canadian coins sold in recent years. We’ve seen both modern classics and coins that pre-dated the formation of the country as we know it today.

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