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How do I get started with Asana?

Once you’ve created an Asana account, log in and get started with these three steps: 1) Add your first tasks! 2) Create a project to organize all of the tasks related to a specific initiative, goal, or big piece of work. 3) Finally, start collaborating and tracking work with your team.

What are the benefits of using Asana?

Asanas are performed to improve flexibility, strength, and balance. 1 Asanas—or yoga poses—help the body's joints, ligaments, and muscles strengthen through movement. A regular yoga practice can, over time, increase flexibility and mobility, lubricating the spine and alignment to aid in everyday activity.

What are some tips for using Asana?

Everything starts with a task. Tasks are actionable to-do’s and the most important building block of Asana. To create a task, start in a project, type a task name, then press enter to keep adding more. Make task names specific and action-based so it's clear what you need to do. Add a task description so the assignee knows what they need to do.

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