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What was the price of a dollar in 1999?

$1 in 1999 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $1.89 today, an increase of $0.89 over 25 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 2.57% per year between 1999 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 88.52%.

What is a 1999 one ounce coin?

The 1999 one ounce coin is described as: 1999 – Liberty – United States of America – E Pluribus Unum – In God We Trust – 1 OZ. Fine Gold ~ 50 Dollars. The front or obverse of the coin depicts Lady Liberty, while the back or reverse displays an eagle.

How much is a 1999-p Susan B Anthony dollar worth?

Since the US Mint didn't have the authority to change the design - they stuck with the original Susan B. Anthony design until 2000 when the Sacagawea dollar design was authorized for production. USA Coin Book Estimated Value of 1999-P Susan B Anthony Dollar is Worth $3.98 or more in Uncirculated (MS+) Mint Condition.

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